Our Opening Hours Fri-12:00 PM to 04:00 PM
Frequently Asked Questions
What kind of client will be right for this practice?
Anyone who is motivated, optimistic, positive, honest, patient, and invested in their mind and body processes. They understand wellness is a spectrum and that nothing is perfect, and perfection is not the goal. Individuals who are ready to find the root cause of their chronic health concerns or want to optimize health. Clients will include men, women, and children (ages 1 year to 17).
What kind of client is wrong for this practice?
Any person who is expecting immediate results or one visit. This is a process and lifestyle type of medicine. This is a practice that values peace, calmness, open communication, and motivation.
What if I have complicated health conditions?
In collaboration with your provider or specialists, we can investigate key root cause areas that may be underlying causes. We can also uncover natural ways to support proper functionality of the body. I will not be managing your medications, but I may make recommendations for you to consider with your provider. It is imperative that providers respect one another and their work. I do not believe in judging other providers. I aim to be a collaborative part of your wellness team.
Are you available 24/7?
Availability is during office hours, and messages are seen daily, but not on weekends. Please allow at least 48 hours hours for response. All lab and kit results are reviewed virtually at follow-up. Please do not email regarding “next steps” or “recommendations.” If you are interested in having labs drawn, please schedule an appointment to discuss this.
What is your appointment policy?
You can schedule a visit online. If cancellation is less than 48 hours of your visit, you will be charged 25% of the cost of the service. If less than 24 hours, you will be charged for the entirety of the service. This is non-negotiable. Please understand that when you book time, you are taking an available spot from someone else. This policy is an incentive to keep your appointments.
Can I leave a voice message?
You can leave a voicemail, but text and messaging via the client portal are preferred with specific detail (using appropriate etiquette), phone messages have a tendency to get lost and result in poor communication.
How do I get a supplement refilled?
A message via your client portal stating no more than your name, date of birth, supplement, and specify if brand name only.
Can you be my primary care provider?
No, is the first straightforward answer. Although primary care trained, the goal here is to focus on wellness. Focused visits will allow for the best use of time. As an adjunct to your primary care provider, the goal is your enhanced wellness.
Do you accept insurance?
I accept HSA and FSA, but not traditional insurance. Some testing and lab tests may be covered by your insurance based on your deductible and you can submit the receipt from you consult to your insurance for reimbursement. Also any labs you can do with your primary care provider please do this to ensure insurance coverage.